Vitamin C Treatment for Avian Flu

The symptoms of avian flu include hemorrhages under the skin, and bleeding from the nose and gums. These are also classical symptoms of clinical scurvy, which means a critical vitamin C deficiency is present.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a very important essential nutrient. It is found only in Fruits and Vegetables and is highest in fresh, uncooked foods. Cooking can destroy much of this vitamin from foods.

Massive doses of vitamin C work against infectious diseases because we are throwing away the vitamin C for the extra electrons carried. These extra electrons neutralize the free radicals (molecules missing electrons) that mediate all inflammations and cause the symptoms and deaths from these infectious diseases. Doses of ascorbate which are massive enough to force a reducing redox potential into tissues affected by the disease will always neutralize the free radicals.

Homo sapiens, guinea pigs, monkeys, bats, some fish and many birds, do not produce their own vitamin C. The rest of the animal kingdom synthesizes their own vitamin C. For them, ascorbic acid is a hormone, not a dietary-acquired vitamin. Animals employ different organs to produce vitamin C. Some birds and reptiles use their kidneys and perching birds and mammals make vitamin C in their liver.

Recommended intakes of C for men is 90 milligrams per day and for women is 75 milligrams per day.
A diet that includes five servings of fruits and vegetables a day should supply about 200 milligrams per day of vitamin C.

conspiracy against vitamin CLinus Pauling suggested in the early 1970s that the optimum daily intake may be about 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C and that everyone should get at least 200-250 mg/day.

He noted that "the first 250 mg is more important than any later 250 mg. The first 250 mg leads you up to the level where the blood is saturated.

You can achieve a higher concentration in the blood by a larger intake, but you get much better improvement for the first 250 mg than for additional grams."

The Linus Pauling Institute of Medicine, founded in 1973, is dedicated to "orthomolecular medicine."
The institute's largest corporate donor has been Hoffmann-La Roche, the pharmaceutical giant that produces most of the world's vitamin C.
On the other hand, Hoffmann-La Roche has also been accused of "monopolizing" the production and distribution of the antiviral drug known as Oseltavimir, which is considered to be the primary medicament used to combat avian flu, sinc it was the only drug company authorized to manufacture it.
On October 20, 2005, after years of pressure from organizations and world leaders, Hoffmann-La Roche decided to release the license to allow other companies to manufacture Oseltavimir worldwide.

The Antioxidant Miracle: Put Lipoic Acid, Pycogenol, and Vitamins E and C to Work for YouThe Antioxidant Miracle: Put Lipoic Acid, Pycogenol, and Vitamins E and C to Work for You

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