Japanese Bitch Wife

Demon Wife

A Blog from a japanese 32-year-old salaryman known by the nickname "Kazuma", who posts the daily indignities and humilliations he suffers from his wife, has gotten him in only four months 1.34 million yen in awards from his blog hosting service.

Cyber Agent, the Japanese Internet advertising firm that launched Ameba Blog, came up with a monetary prize system that "lets bloggers compete among themselves."

Besides, Ameba Books, has decided to print Kazuma's popular online diary. The book has sold more than 50,000 copies so far.

Kazuma explained that he joined Ameba Blog for the money because his wife sweeps away all of his salary.

Kazuma's Blog has gotten 3.2 million hits so far.

The audience ranges from men in similar situations to a disturbingly rising number of women aspiring to be as bitchy as her wife, to the point that now there are weekly articles in women's magazines and TV shows instructing women on how to inflict both mental and physical harm upon their husbands. Being a bitchy wife has become something fashionable in today's Japan.

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