Bill Gates talks about Google

Bill Gates comments on Google in Computing:

'We need to surprise people and do a search that is way better than Google, and we are very on top of that. The idea of development tools, a natural interface, productivity software - Google is not in any of those categories. People are acting as if they will magically be in these other categories with something more than a "me too" offering. It is kind of fun that people underestimate what we are going to do here.'

'Google is great, they are smart people, the press should continue to feed their arrogance as much as possible,'

'They say they are going to organise the world's information. Well, we don't think that is our job. We think you need to get tools to editors and subject experts to let them organise the world's information. There is a bit of a philosophy difference here. The only sure winner is the consumer.'

Fine Words.
We all consumers sincerely hope that you live up to them.

However, in another interview a week before, with the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot, Gates was quoted as saying:

"Maybe when you succeed there is always someone who will oppose you."

(Talking about Microsoft, not Google)

"We are not afraid of Google, but there is intense competition between us. Google is our main competitor, brilliant people work there, but Internet search engines are still in a terrible state compared to where they could be"

Israel is one of the world's leaders in high-tech products, which currently accounts for two-thirds of Israeli exports.
Large corporations like Microsoft, Motorola and Intel, have sizeable research operations in Israel.
Google has recently placed advertisements in Israeli newspapers looking for engineers for its Ireland-based operations.

More here:

The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture

The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture

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